Thursday, August 14, 2014

SC welcomes new students for SY 2014-2015

Students from Grades 4 to 6 scramble to line up
their footwear during the games in the first part of
the acquaintance party.
With fun games and a party to boot, the officers of the RILI Student Council welcomed new students and transferees to the Rainbow Institute of Learning, Inc. (RILI) family in an acquaintance program, July 4, at the school covered court.

Students from Grades 4 to 6 enjoyed a morning activity filled games and prizes. Groups from different levels also showcased their talent dancing during intermission numbers.

The second part of the program started at 6:00 PM and was attended by high school students.

Not to be outdone, the high school students also formed groups who also presented special dance numbers during the evening party. In between presentations are special raffle draws.

Administrator Mrs. Miriam Añoso led the induction of newly
elected officers.
Newly elected officers were then inducted by school administrator Mrs. Miriam Añoso. After which, dinner was served.

The event was capped by a dance party which aimed to help break barriers between old and new students.

The morning and evening programs were hosted by SC adviser Mr. Claude Van Barlas and Grade 9 adviser Mr. Bryan Mon Rosa. Some alumni were also present in the event.

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